The World of Impressionist Oil Painting
Welcome to my world
What started out as a relaxing past-time gradually became a full blown avocation. What was enjoyable and cathartic became a serious endeavor. And as I got better at it and more confident in sharing my work it became a profession.
Today I paint for personal enjoyment, engagement with other people and income. I love the smell of paint, the excitement of working with color and a deepening and joyful appreciation of the stunning beauty of the physical world and all that's in it.
Oil painting is an opportunity for life-long learning and creativity. I can easily see myself as an old man sitting on a stool in the woods, breathing in the air, listening to the sounds of nature and immersing myself in light and color.
Desire is the only prerequisite for oil painting. People think they need to know how to draw or have some background in art. Not true. Perhaps the best analogy I can offer is that learning to paint is like learning anything. We learned to speak a language, we learned to read, we learned to drive a car, we learned to operate a computer, etc. Oil painting is no different.
We begin simply, painting squares and circles with color. We learn first to see the color that’s out there and then to put that color on a canvas board within shapes. Pretty basic.
We learn that we are not painting objects; we are painting light. Our eyes don’t see blocks or balls or trees or the sky. They see the light that’s projected or reflected off these things. Light that has presence, speed, energy and carries all the colors present in the environment. Coming to know this changes the way we see and experience the world around us in every facet of our daily lives. Oil painting expands our minds and deepens our joy of living. Explore the videos in the right column which cover these topics.